Home Environment Tiny Homes Welcome in Fresno, California

Tiny Homes Welcome in Fresno, California


Governments and regulators have struggled to fit so-called “tiny homes” into their regulatory schemse. Housing costs and foreclosure rates have skyrocketed in recent years, leaving many families looking for an affordable housing solution.

These small homes built on flat bed trailers have become a movement of sorts, liberating folks from massive mortgage debts and allowing families to reduce their burden on Mother Earth.


Some cities consider these small and mobile houses to be RVs and limit the time they can be parked on a property. Others won’t allow them at all. This has been frustrating for people who are looking for a life more simple than the modern status quo.

Fresno, California opened their arms to the tiny home community this year when they passed regulations specifically addressing and welcoming these eco-friendly houses.


Not only can homeowners in Fresno add a tiny-home to their property, but they can even rent it out under the new regulations. This means no regulators will come knocking while your guests are sleeping.

Thank you Fresno for making sustainability a more realistic goal.  If I lived there I would buy one and rent it out on AirBNB!

Do any of our readers live in a tiny home? Have you faced backlash from your local government? If so, contact me here to share your story!

Source: http://ww2.kqed.org/news/2016/01/19/fresno-passes-groundbreaking-tiny-house-rules

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8 years ago

Fresno is a crime-ridden sh–hole lol