Home Environment A Permaculture Country Club Where There is Disc Golf Course on an...

A Permaculture Country Club Where There is Disc Golf Course on an Organic Garden!



There is a Permaculture Country Club in Costa Rica, part of Saint Michael’s Sustainable Community, that is a gardening club that runs on Organic Community Supported Agriculture Programs where you can buy or rent a house with green technologies. Technologies like living roofs and walls, landscape that is edible and is accompanied by an ocean view, and more! The model is for an environmentally conscious country club, where members can spend time relaxing in the salt water pool that is fed by springs and rain, play disc golf and other relaxing activities. They also manage the gardens in the community, and spread the passion of regenerative gardening and sustainability to the local schools.

Disc golf is the sustainable alternative to golf with a ball. The rules are the same as traditional golf except you throw a golf disc into the basket to hole out. The course produces organic food, without using outside water sources and avoids using toxic fertilizer, pesticides, fungicides, and other non-natural chemicals. The country club made a shift from consumption to production with this sport.


The Permaculture Country Club is out to be an example for a better way of life. It’s built into a food forest with hundreds of fruit producing trees, vegetables, and medicinal plants. Healthy food is the center of their community. Each property is planted with an edible landscaping full of pineapples, mangoes, bananas, plantains, oranges, limes, lemons, papaya, turmeric, ginger, teas, edible flowers, katuk, yuca (potato), and much more. The food forest starts at the fresh water spring nearest the community center it is its own ecosystem so no need for fossil fuel burning lawn mowers. Waste is composted into healthy fertilizer, so no toxic fertilizers are needed. No artificial pesticides are needed either, since they work with nature to attract beneficial insects and keep away pests, the soil is an ecosystem in itself.

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The country club is making waves in combining edible landscaping design and building, rotational grazing, medicinal plants, organic orchard management, zero Waste, up-cycling and recycling, agro-forestry, food forestry, energy efficiency, aquifer development, compost tea, rain water harvesting, soil regeneration and ecology and holistic management and animal care.

If you love sustainable living this is a place worth visiting and supporting!

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