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New Study: Women Live Longer When They Live in Nature


A recent study found that women live longer when they live surrounded by nature. They started with a theory that natural environments help to lower stress and increase physical / social activity, which leads to greater health. They specifically set out to study the relationship between “residential greenness and mortality”.

women live longer

The researchers followed 108,630 women between 2000 and 2008. Of those women, 8,604 died during the study. Factors such as age, race, smoking, and socioeconomic status were taking into consideration during this study, and they found that women living with the most greenery in the 250m area near their homes “had a 12% lower rate of all-cause-non-accidental mortality”.

“These associations were strongest for respiratory and cancer mortality”.

The researches concluded that higher levels of green vegetation actually decreased mortality in these women.

This information is extremely powerful for the modern American living and driving in our urban areas. Why would less greenery result in less social activity? I would argue that it results in more time spent in the car or behind a computer monitor. The reduction in physical and social activity can absolutely lead to depression, and depression is not good for any part of your health.

If you want to live a long, healthy, and HAPPY life, consider surrounding yourself with nature. How much time do you spend outside every day?

Source: Dr. Oz

Please see this article: https://www.betterhelp.com/therapists/ for more information from BetterHelp on Therapists.

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Michele Chaney
Michele Chaney
8 years ago

I think that it would have more to do with less exposure to man made chemicals and toxins. Only being offset by better medical facilities in urban environments.

Dianna Loftis
Dianna Loftis
8 years ago

When i go outside and see all the shades of green, i am compelled to give thanks to God for all the shades of green. If i am depressed it just melts away. Just saying…

Emelio Lizardo
Emelio Lizardo
8 years ago

What helps men live longer?

8 years ago
Reply to  Emelio Lizardo

Don’t marry a woman who wants to live in a field!

8 years ago
Reply to  Emelio Lizardo

Women. There have actually been studies to show this. Women friends, whether there is a woman spouse or not. Though married seems to be the best.
But ironically, not for the woman. Interesting, eh?
There are plenty of studies to find regarding this issue.

Robin Dewolf
Robin Dewolf
8 years ago

I certainly know that I was happier when I was able to garden and work in my flower beds. I miss having my bird feeders and all my plants!!

8 years ago

If you can’t live in the country, take walks in green places, like parks or tree lined streets. And weather allowing, even take a book, or a snack, and sit on a park bench or whatever is appropriate. And also, if city noise is encroaching on your sense of peace either meditate and/or wear noise cancelling headset, perhaps while you listen to some calming music that you enjoy. A lot, it seems to me, is very much about our internal world, or as I prefer to call it, our internal landscape.

Marc Wanner
Marc Wanner
7 years ago

There might be something to this. Then again. there’s probably a pretty high correlation between wealth and how much green space there is around your house, and wealth is well-known to be a factor in good health. So if they didn’t control for that, the study is meaningless.

Megan McFarland
Megan McFarland
6 years ago

I have lived in the forest for the past 14 years. This past winter the forestry road I live on was snowed in and 3 mornings I hiked 3/4 of a mile to the highway in 5 and 10 degree weather to get to work. I am 65 years old. I love the quiet and beauty of the forest and all the wild life I have here. Spotted this past winter skunks, raccoons, a coyote, and this spring a mountain lion, squirrels, chipmunks and marmonts. This past winter I lived in the gulch alone with no neighbors, now with summer… Read more »

Karl R Kaiser
Karl R Kaiser
6 years ago

This is Fake News.

The Real News:

“Women die sooner when you take them out of nature.”


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6 years ago

I loved living in 14 acres of Downeast Maine. I had a very solitary Husband so I was pretty much alone. I loved gardening and putting my feet in the Ocean for hours seeing no one but my dog. I moved back to Chicago and now have cancer. I miss Maine daily but have to say that at times the silence can be deafening.
Just my take

6 years ago

I loved living in 14 acres of Downeast Maine. I had a very solitary Husband so I was pretty much alone. I loved gardening and putting my feet in the Ocean for hours seeing no one but my dog. I moved back to Chicago and now have cancer. I miss Maine daily but have to say that at times the silence can be deafening.
Just my take