Home Authors Posts by Marjory Wildcraft

Marjory Wildcraft

This article was originally published on the Grow Network.  There are four articles in this series on different strategies for cold-weather chicken care. Below, we explore the 13 best chicken breeds for cold climates. To read the other articles in...
This article was originally published on The Grow Network. Walking out into the forests or fields and coming back with an armload of food and medicine is a rewarding experience. With every new plant that you learn to identify and...
This article was originally published on The Grow Network. There will probably be few times in your life when you actually need to give medication for a fever. When I was growing up, people rushed to get the body’s temperature...
This article originally posted on The Grow Network is part of a series on weed gardens and identifying and using the plants you’ll often find there. For other articles in the series, please click here. As you can see, the weed...
This article was originally published on the Grow Network.  There’s no denying it. The looming threat of drug-resistant bacteria is turning into a very real problem. In fact, antibiotic resistance is quickly becoming one of the greatest global health challenges...
Acorns are a staple of foraging. All oaks produce acorns, and all acorns are edible. But when it comes to learning how to eat acorns — especially processing them to remove the bitter tannins — there’s a bit of...
There are four articles in this series on different strategies for cold-weather chicken care. This article explores how to prevent and treat frostbite in chickens. To read the others, click on the links below: “Cold-Weather Chicken Care: 11 Quick...
For many a homesteader or gardener, weeds can be a major topic of conversation. They should be—but maybe not for the reasons you think! I’m not talking about eradication or even control of noxious or unwanted plant life. What I’m...
Yes, you read that correctly—your teeth are alive. Did you know that 92% of U.S. adults between the ages of 20 to 64 have the pleasure of experiencing a cavity in their permanent teeth? The “drill and fill” method is...