Home Environment Why so many are choosing Solar Passive Houses

Why so many are choosing Solar Passive Houses


Solar passive houses are the name of ease – a brief discussion


passive solar home

Passive solar houses have made it possible to live with minimal temperature variations. Without investing any money in heating or cooling, you can save dramatically on these bills. Of course, it sounds too good to be true, but it is a reality nonetheless. Many people are already making the most of solar passive homes. They are not only saving money but living a comfortable lifestyle too. This design keeps the residents inside the solar passive house at ease, here is how:

Energy efficient

When it comes to energy saving, no design does it better than solar passive houses. They consume about 90 percent less heating and cooling energy. Still, the performance is more or less similar (even better in some cases) as compared to traditional houses. These houses are designed in such a way that they require little to no additional energy to maintain a comfortable indoor atmosphere. On top of that, the residents save a lot of money on fuel bills. What could be more ideal than saving both money and energy at the same time?

Comfort level increases

The inner comfort should be our first priority. The reason is quite simple: on average, we spend about 90 percent of our time indoors. The comfort level is elevated in solar passive houses by paying attention to their architecture. However, comfort is a highly subjective thing, and the taste might vary from person to person. There are few things which are common and kept in mind during the construction of a solar passive house. Let’s briefly discuss them:

Draft Free:

Usually architects and designers are not keen to eliminate drafts. However, we can’t deny the significance of a small hole. We all know a small crack is just about enough to make us uncomfortable and we have to add extra energy to make the temperature bearable. This is where solar passive houses are different from the rest. Not even a single draft is spared to cause you any discomfort.

No overheating:

Not enough insulation, and overexposure to the sun are the main causes of overheating. Mind it, excessive heat is not considered good for health. Again, the artificial means of adding more cold energy, weigh in, and can fall heavy on your pocket. Passive solar houses come up with proper insulation and air tightness which prevents the house from overheating.

Easy access to fresh air

In the modern days, access to the fresh air is becoming increasingly difficult – due to changes in air condition. It is commonly believed that a lot of ventilation is all we need to get the fresh air. Unfortunately, it cannot get any further from the truth. People usually keep their windows shut due to factors like dust, pollution, smells and so on. In that case, all the boasted-ventilation is of no use. Solar passive houses provide 30m3 of fresh air every hour for every person living in the building. Outdoor air does not creep in and indoor air does not leak out. Plus, they are equipped with a ventilation system. Keep in mind, before they get the fresh air, ventilation systems must be designed, installed and commissioned correctly.

Provides you a quiet and peaceful environment

In a busy urban life, it is not a small challenge to attain a calm and composed environment. If your home is located in a busy urban area, your peace could be at stake. Not to worry, solar passive houses have proven their efficiency to tackle noise pollution as well. With high-performance insulation, you can enjoy a perfectly calm and composed environment where you can concentrate on work or do other activities without any outside interference.
In a nutshell, if you are looking for a quiet place to live but are not willing to give up on urban life, solar passive houses could prove to be your best possible alternative.

Offers you better construction quality and durability

Solar passive house construction standards are very high. These standards are set considering the modern day demands and challenges posed by weather. By building a solar passive home you are sure to get the best return of your investment. Therefore, we can venture to say that these are advanced houses with little or no room for error.
Most of the materials, including windows and doors, used in passive houses are maintenance-free. Meaning, you can save on repair costs in the years to come.

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Perhaps the best thing about solar passive houses is their versatility. They can be feasible in all climates, which stands out among all other features. Solar passive buildings are not limited to only houses. They are equally comfortable for non-residential places as well, which is another example of their versatility. Non-residential passive solar places include factories, schools, and workplaces. It’s been twenty-five years since the first passive solar house was created, today this design is being adapted for different kinds of indoor buildings. This is telling about their increasing demand and trust people have towards the solar passive home construction.

Solar passive houses keep you at ease financially

After knowing these many benefits, one might relate solar passive houses with higher costs. To their surprise, it is not the case, especially if the long term durability is to be considered. Solar passive houses can serve you for decades.
So even if the upfront costs of a solar passive house is more than a typical house, one should keep an eye on the future expenses as well. Some jurisdictions even offer financial support because these houses are environmentally friendly and extremely efficient to tackle any change in climate.

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