Home Environment Off The Grid Incredible Self Filling Water Bottle Turns Air in to Water While You...

Incredible Self Filling Water Bottle Turns Air in to Water While You Ride



An industrial design student at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna has developed a self filling water bottle that uses the movement of a bicycle to collect and condense moisture from the air and turn it in to water. While it is still a prototype, once completed, this innovative machine could bring potable water to millions who struggle to find safe and adequate water sources.


The device, known as Fontus, uses solar panels to generate electricity which is used to cool an upper chamber while while heating up a lower chamber.  As the bike moves forward, air is pulled in and cooled as it passes in to the upper chamber. The moisture form the cooling effect condenses and is deposited in a water bottle. This self filling water bottle


The creator of the device, Kristof Retezar, claims it can produce half a liter of water in one hour.

Update: December 4, 2016

The creators indigogo has already ended, and they are still in the prototyping phase. Here is an update from their campaign:

Dear supporters,

Another two months have passed and we are still struggling with some suppliers and the company in charge of prototype development. Consequently, I have decided to relocate the main activities of the development process to Vienna where we hope to achieve faster results and higher quality. The row of prototypes developed in the US did not meet our performance expectations and processes were overall extremely slow. Moreover, quality supervision was and still is difficult due to large distances. This is a problem we aim to resolve by adding the workforce of local independent professionals.

A new team of Engineers based in Vienna has already started optimizing Prototypes developed in the US and developing new alternative solutions that will enhance performance. Furthermore, the team has presented several solutions to existing technical problems that will have a positive effect on the functioning of the bottles. Naturally, these solutions force us to slightly modify the overall design, usage and dimensions of the bottles. Once the final design has been decided, we will naturally inform you immediately.

Approaching the end of October, we are unfortunately out of schedule since the final prototyping phase hasn’t been completed yet. Our aim is to finalize this phase by the end of the year. Thanks for your patience!

Have a nice week!



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8 years ago

I really wish you would delete this article. Multiple engineers have proven this is a total scam.

Catherine Bleish
8 years ago
Reply to  Bryan

Please show me the source of this information! I will gladly edit it in!


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