Home Do it Yourself (DIY) Ultimate Recycling: 8 Fruits And Veggies You Can Regrow From Scraps

Ultimate Recycling: 8 Fruits And Veggies You Can Regrow From Scraps


Buying and eating organic can get quite pricey these days, but what if you could turn your left overs into fresh new produce?

The practice of cloning plants has been used one way or another for thousands of years, but with today’s conveniences, it’s easy to forget that you can regrow food from scraps. This way you can get two, three, or even ten for one, my kind of deal!

Enjoy this list of 10 healthy veggies and fruits that you can put in the cloning machine (soil and a cup) straight to your families table.


avocadoWhat you need: Toothpicks, a cup (see through if you would like), and an avocado.

A personal favorite of mine, to start, get an avocado from the store and slice it in half to get the seed. Once you have pulled the seed out be sure to wash off the avocado residue off to avoid mold. Next peel the brown layer of skin off to prevent it from hardening and hindering the plant’s new growth. Be sure the top of the seed is facing up, poke three toothpicks into the seed at a downward angle. Once the toothpicks suspend the avocado in the cup and fill it with water until at least half of the seed is submerged in water. Stick it in the window sill and watch it grow!

Here is the step by step video.

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ginger root

What you need: Ginger, a bowl of water, a gardening pot with drainage holes (the bigger the better), good soil.

This healthy root is one of the easiest to regrow. Cut your ginger horizontally, be sure to keep the knots along the side, this where the leaves sprout out of. Next soak the piece or pieces of ginger in the bowl of water for about three to five hours. After soaking bury the ginger in a large pot and water it very well. In about four weeks time you should be seeing growth.

Here is the full step by step video.



What you need: Pineapple, pot, soil

Grab the pineapple by the leaves on the top and twist, the top should come off fairly easy. (you can also cut off the top layer) Peel off the bottom three or four layers of leaves, this will allow the roots to grow. 聽Next get the pot you wish to plant it in or find a nice spot in your garden, then water the soil well. Twist the pineapple top into the ground until the exposed part is buried. Pour water in the center of the leaves, filling it up like its own cup. This plant takes a long time to fruit but your labor will be rewarded with a delicious fruit.

Here is the full step by step video.



What you need: Organic potato (spuds can’t grow if they have been sprayed by pesticides), large bucket container, soil

Place the potato half way in the soil with the spud facing up. Next layer about three or four inches of compost or manure on top of them. Allow the potato 6 to 8 hours of sunlight a day, then wait eighty to one hundred days until you can harvest.

Here is the full step by step video.



What you need: Tomatoes, pot, soil

Cut the tomatoes into slices about a quarter inch thick. Place the slices in a pot or the ground and cover the slices with about an inch of dirt. Wait a few weeks for the seedlings to begin sprout and pick the largest of them to replant and become lovely tomato plants.

Here is the full step by step video



What you need: Peach, pot, soil

First cut or eat the peach to acquire the pit in the center. Once you have the pit place it in the fridge for about two weeks to bring its temperature down between thirty and forty degrees Fahrenheit. After cooling off the pit, you can crack it to get the seeds out and speed up the time it takes to sprout. Plant the seeds (or pit) in the soil about an inch down. Love and nurture your sprout to a tree, you will be eating backyard peaches in about three years.

Here is the full step by step video.



What you need: Lemons, Knife, Paper towel, Plastic bottle,聽Scissors

Most citrus trees follow the same steps as the lemon trees. First cut your lemon in half, try not to slice the seeds. Use the knife to pluck out as many seeds as you can, more seeds the better the chances of your success. Wipe the residue off the seed and peel the shell starting from the top. After peeling place the seeds onto a wet paper towel, fold the seeds into it and spray again. Place the seeds in a plastic bag with the date written on it, after put the seed in a warm dark place for about ten days, until it sprouts. Cut the plastic bottle in half,poke drainage holes at the base (don’t forget this!), then fill with soil. Next place the sprout in the soil root down with the seed poking out above the soil. Water well and wait for your lemon or citrus tree to sprout so you can replant it.

Here is the full step by step video.



What you need: Strawberries, Razor/knife, Paper towel

First freeze the strawberry solid. Use the razor or sharp knife to pick the seeds from the strawberry one by one. Dry the seeds for about a day. After that germinate the seeds in a wet paper towel similarly to the lemons. Once the seeds begin to sprout place them in soil and prepare yourself for some fresh strawberries this growing season.

There are many more plants that can be grown this way, nature has an amazing talent of regeneration. So try some of these out or find your own, either way you can turn your food going to waste into a plant your going to eat.

Here is the full step by step video.

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7 years ago

I found a large stack of HUGE pots at Goodwill last year. Of course, I couldn’t pass them up. But when I got them home I had no idea what I’d grow in them. Thanks for the very cool ideas! I’m going to go soak some ginger now to get started 馃檪