Home Environment Off The Grid Off Grid Saltwater Battery Can Power Home for 10 Years!

Off Grid Saltwater Battery Can Power Home for 10 Years!


Off Grid Salt Water Battery

Aquion Energy has developed a non-toxic off-grid solar battery that can last a household over 10 years! The salt water powered Aspen Solar batteries can handle daily use and require literally zero maintenance. The batteries can handle up to 3,000 full cycles, or 3,000 days and nights.

Steady Power

The batteries allow the user to have a more steady supply of solar power and to store all energy that comes in throughout the day, none of it to go to waste. The batteries provide power during storms and outages, and can weather almost any storm.



According to CNBC,  will cost a consumer $1,000 to $3,000 dollars. I could not find a price on their website, but they do have 10 dealers across the US. The greatest competition for this battery are lithium ion batteries, but those are made of toxic materials that pollute the environment. Lithium Ion batteries are also flammable, whereas the Aspen Solar Battery is non-flammable. Watch the company try to set their solar batteries on fire here.


Environmentally Friendly

In fact, Aspen Solar Batteries are the first batteries ever to receive the  Cradle to Cradle Certification™.  This means the batteries are made of sustainable materials and utilizes sustainable manufacturing practices. No only are they environmentally friendly, but they are safe for your home. They will not corrode and there are no chemicals to leak.

Greater Use

This new design can be discharged down to 90%, allowing consumers to use all of the power harnessed.  Lead batteries will not tolerate being discharged to less than 50%. This depth of discharge in the Apen Solar battery allows you to use a smaller battery bank than you would need in a lead acid battery bank.

Will you be purchasing one of these batteries for your home?

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[…] via TheHomesteadGuru […]

Amy Beaudet
8 years ago

These batteries are currently available and shipping. You can find pricing, datasheets, manuals and more at https://www.altestore.com/store/deep-cycle-batteries/batteries-saltwater-technology/aquion-energy-s30-pre-wired-26kwh-battery-stack-48v-p11941/

7 years ago
Reply to  Amy Beaudet

No longer available. September 2017, until company recovers from Sec.11

7 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

So when will that be. Would like info

Mrs Laura Richards
Mrs Laura Richards
2 years ago
Reply to  Amy Beaudet

Are they available in UK?

Shalen Sagar
Shalen Sagar
8 years ago


I live in the Fiji Islands where there is sun throughout the year. Will this product work right for me ? and do I need to purchase solar panels to keep them in a charged state.
Can these batteries supply power 24/7 night and day ?


[…] A new home battery has been developed and released that runs off of salt water instead of acid, making for a sustainably created piece of technology that can charge your home for years. […]

New Cheap Solar Battery Incorporated with Salt Water Can Power Homes for 10 Years [Video]
8 years ago

[…] company called Aquion Energy has developed a non-toxic off-grid solar battery that is capable of lasting a household for more than 10 years. The battery has already started […]


[…] December 10, 2016 10:46 am by Stiv (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); A new home battery has been developed and released that runs off of salt water instead of acid, making for a sustainably created piece of technology that can charge your home for years. […]

Thias Russell
Thias Russell
7 years ago

Can be discharged down to 90% does that mean you only get 10% of the power ??? Should it have stated that you can discharge the battery down to 10% of the full capacity ???
Just asking😀

7 years ago
Reply to  Thias Russell

Thias R – I am sure it means that you can drain 90% of a fully charged battery.

Your point is 100% correct though – that sentence should read “can be discharged 90%”.. {what is that word for double terms? i.e. “discharged down” – redundant? }

Miss P
Miss P
7 years ago

Can I buy one of these in the Uk or in France anywhere?

Alan Carruthers
Alan Carruthers
7 years ago

Like it a lot, can i get this in South Australia ?

7 years ago

Why aren’t they being deployed to Puerto Rico and virgin islands???

Otherwise can you use tap water and salt? I lander here wondering…

Tony Scarpino
Tony Scarpino
7 years ago

I am interested in a full system can I get a price?