Home Featured Catherine Bleish How I Healed My Digestion and Ended Chronic Stomach Pain

How I Healed My Digestion and Ended Chronic Stomach Pain


  1. Green Body Cleanse – The first step in my healing journey was to read the book Green Body Cleanse. Dr. Group discusses the natural biorhythms of your body and when its best to be eating or not eating. He shows you what a normal bowl movement should look like and what it means when yours looks different. He breaks digestion down into the most simple concepts, giving me a thorough understanding of what my body is going through each. day

    The Green Body Cleanse was the most eye opening book I have read about digestion.
    The Green Body Cleanse was the most eye opening book I have read about digestion.
  2. Fruit for Breakfast – one of the biggest changes I made is to eat fruit for breakfast. My fruit of choice is a watermelon (or half of a big one). If I do not have a water melon I will eat a couple bananas, or drink orange juice. Dr. Group describes how fruit is super easy on the digestive system, and melons in particular pass right through with very little digestion needed. This gets your bowls moving first thing in the AM while filling your body with moisture, vitamins and minerals!

    First perfect watermelon of the season. Follow me on Instagram.
    First perfect watermelon of the season. Follow me on Instagram.
  3. Colon Cleanse – Once I read the Green Body Cleanse I knew I needed to do a colon cleanse immediately. My husband got me a bottle of Oxy-Powder and I began a week long regime. As I mention in the video, on day two I had seventeen bowl movements. Kid you not. As I used this product I was able to go longer and longer in between stomach aches. I have now set the record at two weeks.

    Oxy Powder is an excellent digestive cleanse.
    Oxy Powder is an excellent digestive cleanse.
  4. Remove Stress – I have figured out over the past year that my health and my stress go hand in hand. As I experience fight or flight in my life, I experience pain and stomach issues. As I remove stressors such as toxic people from my life, I began to physically feel better. Here is a video about how I started to create strong boundaries in my interpersonal life by removing toxic relationships.
  5. Relax and Rest – Our family used to be consumed with our work, and tasks, and our schedules were so full that we could not show up anywhere on time. We started to go camping once a month and this created wonderful opportunities for relaxation, sunshine, and rest!  We lost that habit for a few years as our schedules filled back up, and this year we decided to add a monthly trip to the beach to our tool box. That has helped TREMENDOUSLY!

    On the Beach in San Diego with Dear Friends. Follow me on Instagram.
    On the Beach in San Diego with Dear Friends. Follow me on Instagram.
  6. Meaningful Movement – As much as my body needed rest, it also needed movement in order to heal my digestion. As my inflammation increased I would get pinched nerves in my back that would trigger awful headaches. I started jumping on the trampoline and doing very slow yoga. It was really hard for me to move at first, but eventually, I got most of my mobility back, and now crave movement every day. Jumping, stretching, and push-ups are my movement of choice, and when I feel good I like to go on long walks or hikes.

With those 6 steps I was able to irradiate my daily stomach aches. I have no idea how this will work for you, but I am confident that starting with number one (reading the Green Body Cleanse), you will find ideas that will inspire healing action!

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Cat Bleish, How I Healed My Digestion and Ended Chronic Stomach Pain, this is one of the best articles on stomach pain. This informative article is helpful for everyone. Everyone should follow this article, who face difficulties. Thanks. Carry on.