Home Environment Off The Grid Couple Uses Affordable Solar Panel System to Power Their Full-Time RV Lifestyle

Couple Uses Affordable Solar Panel System to Power Their Full-Time RV Lifestyle


Jason and Nicki Wynn are full-time RVers. Having abandoned the daily grind for a life of travel and adventure, the couple now shares their ups and downs and trials and tribulations on their blog, Gone with the Wynns.

In this video update, the Wynn’s talk about their solar system and how it’s used in their daily routine. Their RV is equipped with a total of 600 watts of solar, 480 watts coming from a roof-top flat panel and 120 watts coming from a portable solar system.

Here is the portable solar system the Wynn’s use with their RV.

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Jeremy Holovacs
Jeremy Holovacs
9 years ago

Good luck running that A/C on that. You’ll need about 5-10x more wattage. You also won’t be able to use the hot water heater, unless you’re on LP… but if you’re using fans and are frugal with your energy, it’s a good idea (I full-time RV myself).

7 years ago

consider ca si revolta face parte din cresterea pe scara sp-autiala!miirduc aminte de mine ,cu ceva timp in urma,nu foarte multi la numar.asa cum un copil pentru a invata sa mearga ,pica si se juleste la genunchi,asa se intampla si noua adultilor,care avem discernamant in a alege cararea pe care trebuie sa mergem.Domnul ne iubeste pe toti la fel si ne iarta in egala masura!

Audrey Miller
9 years ago

This is great, this couple has a creative way of thinking. Thank you for sharing this article, I’m sure that many people will follow this.


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