This article is part 2 of a longer series, called Does Unschooling Have Natural Limits? Please subscribe to get future installments. I came to unschooling as a young mother, looking for alternatives to the carrot-and-stick (or recreate-the-schoolroom) approaches I saw with typical homeschooling methods. However,...
This article is part 1 of a longer series, called Does Unschooling Have Natural Limits? Please subscribe to get future installments. Awareness of others' needs and wants doesn't come naturally to everyone--and it's something that many young people fail to...
Seedo is the first fully automatic growing device for all types of herbs and it is designed with lazy people in mind. There’s no need for any prior knowledge or experience, Seedo will do all the work for you. Pair...
Are your plants just not happy and you don't know why--?  It could be that you're watering wrong. But--HOW can you water "wrong"? You just put water on the plant and you're done, right? Well, not exactly. Especially in a drier...
In Japan, you can see pagodas erected 1500 years ago, withstanding typhoons and earthquakes alike. How are those old buildings still standing? These complex buildings are the product of a master craftsmanship technique that's still alive today--called Kanawatugi, or Kanawa...
RAW is a company known for their papers, rolled and smoked by many but what we did not know is that RAW has a completely self funded side charity! The RAW foundation is providing thousands of people with clean, safe...
Nemo's Garden is an experiment on the seabed of Italy where vegetables are grown in air tight pods which are anchored to the ocean's floor, sunlight heats the pods interior creating a climate capable of growing produce. The salt...
The Austin Aquarium offers more than just sea creatures, the whole family can interact with a wide variety of animals such as birds from the rain forest, to lizards and other reptilians from the desert regions. Families can hand...
Tooth pain can be caused by cavities, tooth decay, tooth fracture, gum disease, an abnormal bite, and more. Toothaches are not only just painful, as they can cause other reactions such as fevers and headaches. It can be hard...
Milliennials--the generation born between 1981-2004--are creating confusion and fear in seasoned financial analysts, who are baffled by their buying habits. In fact, there's an entire list of industries and products being murdered by millennials, because they can't seem to sell to the younger...
Growing strawberries is one of the best things about fall gardening. Who doesn't love fresh juicy strawberries, picked right off the plant and ripened to perfection? Strawberries are hardy to zone 2, and grow quickly, so they're an excellent fall...
There is a traditional Persian dessert called faloodeh, made with thin rice noodles, topped with a near-frozen syrup of sugar, rose water, and lime juice. It's been around since the 13th century--long before modern refrigeration technology was a thing. But wait...