Over the past year, I've became increasingly spiritual and in-tune with my intuition. I've developed it through practices such as meditation and journaling, that allow my mind to slow down and tap into my inner voice. Well, my inner voice...
Summertime.  It was my favorite part of my childhood.  I can still remember the mellow New England summers, the looming pines, and the slow days in the garden with my mom.  I used to love sitting on the lawn,...
This entire year has been devoted to personal development.  Loving and caring for my body has been crucial. But can you get fit on a small budget and minimal time?  Absolutely! In fact, as a homesteader, you have everything...
Did you know that the first thing that you should do every morning is drink a tall glass of water?  It immediately recharges your body, wakes you up, and prevents headaches. You know what is even better than plain...
I’m sure that people do use the oven in the summer, but I can think of a million things that I would rather do.   There are so many reasons to take advantage of garden fruits and vegetables or the...
When I was growing up, my best friend lived on a dairy farm.  Every day after school, we would ride the bus to her house and her mom would babysit me until my mom got home from work. I can’t...
I hate water. There. I said it. It's boring, it always tastes strange to me, even if it's reverse osmosis or straight from my BERKEY. I just really don't like it. There was a period of time where I barely ever got...
Behavior challenges in young boys? Is medication our only choice? What about diet? Personally, I believe our society is doing a huge disservice to our boys, in relation to labeling their age appropriate energy or shaming them for playing battle games. Since...
Did you know that you can raise your vibration with food? But what exactly is a vibration? Have you ever received a “bad vibe” from someone and you knew intuitively that you didn't mesh with that person? Our bodies, and everything else...
About a year ago, I decided to give up alcohol.   I wasn't a big drinker since becoming a mother, but I felt like the impact on my productivity, physical, and emotional health wasn't in alignment with the path that...
A guest article by Danny Donchev of GrowAce.com There is a potential that you can get your green plants lively throughout the year. Through indoor gardening, you are able to start new plants and grow new greens in the midst...
Summer is here and what better way to enjoy your garden than creating fresh recipes from the produce you grew yourself! My favorite childhood memories are during the summer when my mom would be gardening in our front yard.  I...