Rising Trend – Big Business to Help Small Farms


    Costco is now the leading organic food retailer, and farmers cannot keep up with the demand!  Their organic food sales recently passed 4 billion in annual sales, passing Whole Food’s 3.6 billion in annual sales.

    A shopper checks out organic brown eggs at Costco in Mountain View, Calif., Sunday, Feb. 22, 2009. Consumer spending rose in January after falling for a record six straight months, pushed higher by purchases of food and other nondurable items. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)
    A shopper checks out organic brown eggs at Costco in Mountain View, Calif., Sunday, Feb. 22, 2009. Consumer spending rose in January after falling for a record six straight months, pushed higher by purchases of food and other nondurable items. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)

    In order to overcome the supply issues, Costco has released a pilot program that involves loaning the money for land and equipment to small farms.

    This move marks a new trend in big business helping small farms. Whole Foods also gives loans to small farmers through their local producer loan program.

    wholefoods local farmer

    Whole Foods makes an effort to help their farmers with low interest loans. This is a win win as it helps the health food giant to maintain a steady supply of organic produce.

    In addition to featuring local products in our stores, we’re putting our money where our mouths are by providing up to $25 million in low-interest loans to independent local farmers and food artisans. We’re proud to support small producers who need a hand, not a handout, to help them make their dreams reality.

    According to Whole Foods, they have given out 14 million in loans already. That is an injection of 14 million dollars into the organic farming industry!

    Another example is the essential oil giant, doTERRA, who provides resources through their co-impact farming program.

    This rising trend in big business partnerships with small farms will ultimately benefit the end user. The mega giants finally realize the value of organic farming, which will allow our small farms to flourish in ways otherwise not possible.

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