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A Battle is Brewing: New Standoff Begins in North Dakota over Water Rights and the Oil Pipeline



History has come alive before our eyes in the Standing Rock Oil Pipeline stand-off. Standing Rock Sioux activists, joined by supporters from across the country, have seized land owned by Energy Transfer Partners (who is building the pipeline) in an act of Imminent Domain, an action that Native Americans say is supported by the Treaty of 1851.

Update from #StandingRock with water protector Siouxz

Posted by Earth. We are one. on Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Situation

The activists are making a stand to stop the construction of the oil pipeline, which they say will disturb their sovereign and sacred grounds, and threaten their water supply.

The company originally considered an alternative route that did not enter the Native American land, but they decided against it because they didn’t want to risk the water supply of Bismark, ND. Instead they chose to risk the water supply of the Sovereign Great Sioux Nation without giving them the chance to say “no”.


Yesterday the Obama administration called on the company to cease their construction, a second time. Also yesterday, outrage was expressed over Hennepin County moving in battle vehicles and calling for surrounding law enforcement agencies to join.


“Tensions over the pipeline have escalated, with the company pressing ahead and opponents setting up a camp in the path of construction.”

What Next

Information from the front line is spotty as the location is remote and cellular service is limited. What we do know is that police and National Guard have created a blockade down the road and tensions are rising. The protest camp is expecting conflict as soon as today.

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This battle for land and water rights between indigenous people and government-protected corporations has created a unique opportunity for dialog about our rights rights.

As homesteaders, as ranchers, as gardeners and PEOPLE, we might one day be faced with a similar threat to our sovereignty and health. How will you respond?

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The main source I am following for breaking news in this story is:

Derrick Broze reporting for Mint Press News, Anti-Media, and Activist Post.

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[…] Its interesting how different they were able to work with corporate land destruction than for example the Standing Rock situation that took place in North Dakota (Read more here: Battle Brewing, New Standoff Begins in North Dakota Over Water Rights and the Oil Pipeline). […]